For many of us who suffer, sharing and writing about our mental health experiences has proven to be therapeutic and in some cases, healing. We encourage and embrace the potential of all creative beginnings and help craft these writings into beautiful, empowering and heartfelt songs.
DOWNLOAD The Noisy Brain community app. You'll have access to exclusive mental health and music related content, and you'll be joining a growing community who are each committed to helping others.
Join and help us to help others… Subscription is FREE for all contributors. Simply download the app, sign up and post your lyrics under the "Contributor Writings" folder.
Download the app and upload your mental health related 'writings' directly into the 'Contributors Writings' section. Submitted writings are often selected and adopted by musicians and recording artists from all over the world.
Artists often collaborate directly with the original writer to help craft the final piece. (Everyone gets credit, and contributing writers even have the potential of earning royalties if their song is released).
Who knows who might end up singing your song and helping others like you to feel more ok?
As a member of our growing community, you will have unlimited access to all our wellness content, create dialogue about mental health, listen to finished music, attend writing workshops, and support the group by helping increase awareness about our cause.
Spoiler alert: no-one writes lyrics. Not at first. They start as simple feelings, written down. A few words. A phrase. A line. They become thoughts. They develop. This place is all about the practice of recognising simple thoughts, writing them down and releasing that stuff that echoes around your mind into a community that cares and doesn’t judge. We believe that everyone thinks and feels stuff that others can relate to. These feelings are truths. These truths need to be shared. Just start writing. Our community can encourage and develop it. When a musician is sparked by your words, they’ll create a song around them. All of a sudden, they’re lyrics.
It doesn’t matter what you write. Just write. A word. A phrase. A sentence. People share a story, a poem or even a stream of consciousness. We call them ‘writings’. Sharing thoughts as words is a process that heals you and helps others to relate. Those words can become songs. How? Once submitted, our experts (songwriters, musicians, producers and creative writers) will help to craft writings, to develop thoughts, and edit them into a format for a potential song. Or perhaps a musician sees your writing, relates to the sentiment and he or she immediately starts crafting this into a brand new original song. However it happens, it takes more than just one person.
Please do. We often have family, friends and those fantastic health carers contributing their own writings. These might be from their own personal experiences, as well as observations about other people dealing with their struggles.
However, let’s face it; there are enough songs out there about the singers latest crush or ‘makin’ it rain’. We want stuff that’s a little deeper, if you see what we mean. And ‘deep’ doesn’t mean we’re 100% emo. Expression and connection can be made in any genre, with laughter and tears. All we ask is that anyone contributing ‘writings’ is sharing thoughts, experiences and feelings with a personal link to Mental / Emotional health.